April 14, 2009

Letter from our lives...Part Two...known, painful, trusting still!

Hi Friends-

For all of you who have prayed for us over the last week, thank you.  I can honestly tell you that God has faithfully walked us through this time and kept us focused on Him.  Praying for one another is such a privilege, and I am genuinely humbled for those that have lifted us up during our uncertain times this last week. 

Anyway, this morning we heard that the head coaching job at LU had gone to someone else.  It came as quite a surprise, as many things had seemed to line up in Brad's favor.  We clearly have disappointment for what looked like a wonderful opportunity and possible "God" thing.  However, we are resting in the One who has it all in His hands, all the details, the unknown, the hard and the good.

Isaiah 33:6 says,   

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.  

Here's the good news for those of us who believe....our foundation doesn't change.  It is sure, it is firm.  He is steadfast and trustworthy, and faithful and sovereign. 

And, our lives are not tossed about in boats made by mankind, but float securely in the hands of the One who holds the ocean!!!  ( this thought occurred to me at Sam's today! )  

A rich store house means that His goods don't run out!  You won't go to His store and see a sign, "Sold Out of peace, or joy, or hope... come back tomorrow." His blessings are always available for us, for every moment, every need, every time we ask.   Rich, full, beautiful supply. 

This verse also caught my eye today...

2 Cor. 2:14

But thanks be to God who always LEADS us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. 

So, even in the apparent "loss" of this job we had prayed may be His will....we can trust that He will lead us in triumph, through Christ!  He will!!  

And, just maybe in the midst of where He leads us, by His grace, we will be a beautiful fragrance to those we come across and spread to them the knowledge of Him.  What could be a more wonderful privilege than to "smell" like Him to others,...His goodness, love, kindness, grace, peace.  In the midst of the turmoil of the very world we live in, we desperately need some sweet smelling fragrance.  Pray that for me, I'll pray that for you! :)

As far as the details, we don't know a lot.  Brad and I are still blessed and grateful that God has provided an open door to continue serving along side of Ritchie and Julie in a position at Univ. of VA.  So today we walk forward by faith in Him and not necessarily by sight, watching for the plan to unfold. :)

Blessings and love to all,


Letter from our lives...Part One...unknown, hopeful, trusting!

Hi friends-

Well, as I woke up this morning, I felt led to share a few things about where we are in our lives.  I have thought maybe I should wait until we actually know more about what we are actually doing, but decided to share even in the midst of our great unknown.  Of course, many of you know what's going on here at LU,  but some who live away may not have a clue, so to start I will give the brief version of the story.  Listen, get over it now if this turns into my next book, just read and be happy about it!!! :)

To begin with, Ritchie and Julie are leaving Liberty to go up to Charlottesville to serve the new head coach there at UVA.  Many do not understand his decision, as it is leaving a head job to be an assistant.  We understand because we know their hearts after 14 years of serving with them along this path and know that their deepest desire is to bring glory to their Savior. We have together sought Him for peace, direction and what He might be up to in all of this.  We have watched the Lord answer them, and as difficult and painful as it is for them to say good bye to a place they truly love, they are willing to answer and step out in faith.  Please lift them up in this new opportunity that God has put before them.  

In the process of the call He has for them, God has also provided for us a position at UVA.  We are so grateful for that opportunity, esp. in the midst of a job crisis and the craziness of coaching!  Needless to say, the last 4 days have been filled with the ups and downs of big change, emotional moments and the feelings that come with the unknown. Either way for us, our lives we know now and have known for 14 years will change. There is much heartache in that, mixed in with the hope of what is to come. 

So, we are asking the Lord, what do you have for us in this??  Is UVA the open door you have for us?  Wanting to yield, to be willing, to be open and have a listening heart.  Not wanting to be a toe print outside of His good will for us!  I can honestly tell you from the depths of my heart, that is the most important thing to me, to Brad...Lord, what is Your purpose and will in this?   Our greatest joy will come from following His plan for us.  

So, 2 mornings ago, after a night of too many questions, fear, wrestling with the "details" of how our lives were about to change..I woke up to have my time with the One who knows it all and says, "Come into my Presence to be reminded of my goodness and faithfulness to you"!  

I read daily from a book by Ruth Meyers called the 31 Days of Praise.  If you don't have it, seriously it will change your heart towards Him.  Anyway, I sluggishly opened up the book, just hoping that I would be released from the yuck that followed me down the stairs to my chair.  

Day 17 was the day I was on, so I opened and read.  I will type out some excerpts from it....

 Thank you that you have me in the place You want me just now... You've worked all things into Your plan to draw me to Yourself, to mold and bless me, and to bless others through me. THank you that even if I'm here through the ill will or poor judgement of other people, (not the case for us)    All is well, for in Your Sovereign wisdom, You are at work to bring about good results from all those past decisions, past events beyond my control, good results both for me and for others. I'm glad Lord that You are the same today, well able to work things out for us, to turn evil into good.  I stand amazed at the complexity and mystery of Your wisdom. How safe it is for me to trust Your reasons for acting ( or not acting) and Your methods of working!  

Thank you that I can safely commit my location and situation to You!! ( I promise it said location!! :))  I can be "willing for You to shift me anywhere on life's checkerboard, or bury me anywhere in life's garden, gladly yielding myself for You to please Yourself with, anywhere and anyway You choose."  Thank You that I can trust You with my future places...ready to go, ready to stay!!

Is God so good or what?  Ready to go, ready to stay??  Seriously.  Such a timely and specific word for my weary and worrisome heart.  I called Julie right away and we both praised Him for His goodness.

So for today, we are asking the Lord if staying at LU is a possibility.  If Brad could be hired here and take over as a head coach?  He has said that he would love to serve in that role, to be able to continue what the Lord as begun here with these players.  However, in the natural realm it would be quite unlikely!  There will be many other head coaches now who will call to be interviewed.  

Brad has served as an assistant for 14 years, so doesn't have the "head" coach experience, although I have no doubt that God has equipped my husband with amazing gifts of serving others, great leadership, integrity, passion for players and their growth, and a heart that is sold out to please the Lord and bring Him glory.  The players want  him to stay and he has been blessed with the calls of support from others. 

I say all of this to say....with my God, nothing is impossible and He is the Sovereign One who's plans cannot be thwarted. What a peace we have in knowing that.  IF that is His plan for our lives, He will open the door, whether or not it's "likely". He's got it.  He is in control.  When I woke up this morning, He was just as faithful as He has been to us all along.  He has heard our cry for an answer, and we will rejoice whatever that answer is because He is trustworthy.   I can rest in the fact that He is on duty, alert to every detail, working even now!!  Praise the Lord!

Please pray for us during this time of uncertainty.  Please pray His will be done. Please ask the Lord to keep our eyes and hearts on Him.  Our ears open to His still, small voice...He is so good. 

We are hoping to leave for MI this afternoon, and will be gone until next Wed.   

Love to you,


(phew...take a break...you deserve it if you read all the way to the end of this thing!!)