August 16, 2008

Who needs Handy?

My two handsome basketball boys.  I am blessed indeed.  Like father like son I guess.  Levi has seen in Brad a passion for the game, a love for the sport and now feels the same way. 
So of course it would be a natural thing to get a hoop for the driveway.  The plastic one in our basement clearly doesn't count.

And for all of you who have put together toys for kids,  you know it is never easy.  The directions look like English but when you read them, your brain is unable to compute what they are really saying.  And it always takes longer than one might imagine...always.  And the amount of small parts and screws and baggies of weird looking things could make the strongest of men feel weary. 

So in our household, there lives a man with a tremendous amount of gifts.  A passionate love for God, faithful husband, (Happy 17 years honey, and still growing in His grace together!) incredible dad, best lawn mower on the block, committed coach, and trustworthy friend. However, and by his own admission, "handy man" is not on his gifting list. He was in a different line when that one was passed out.  And for being a laid back kind of guy that he is, let me give an example by saying we've lost some Christmas spirit before with things like getting the fresh pine tree into the base, you know White Christmas playing in the background, fire lit, cookies baking, and the blasted tree won't stay up, isn't straight, the screws aren't know, little handy type, "requires tools" kinda things.

So today I am giving it up for my hubby who almost single handedly put together this basketball hoop.  Because he didn't give up, because he patiently read the directions over and over, because he never lost his cool, and only needed help at the very end.  (thx to papa, uncle mark and neighbor Ray)  And according to my brother, it's possible he really ended putting together about 6  hoops because of the times he had to do things more than once.  But he kept telling Levi when he would walk through the garage and look at all the parts and pieces laying around..."we're making  progress buddy, we're making progress!"

Not just a hoop for our family to play on, but also a reminder of a dad who invests wisely in his children.  Who gives up his time, just to bless their hearts.  Who not only built the hoop, but will spend hours playing  horse, 3 on 3, and dunking to impress the neighbor kids.  
Who needs handy??


Kara said...

Love it!

Great blog Kendra. Can't wait to shoot some hoops with you guys.

Tracy: said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great post about your wonderful husband. You are a blessed woman to have such a godly husband! They are far beyond blessed to call you wife and mama! Love you!