June 12, 2008

My fake pony...(picture shows pony not included!)

So, I felt like I had to write about what happened to me the other day in a restaurant.   No seriously, could go down as being one of my most embarassing moments. 

We went to a nice place after church, to celebrate Ellie's bday.  

Yep, so it all started a few weeks back when I found something at CVS pharmacy that was bound to change my life. A fake pony tail.  On a clip.  To be clipped on to the back of your head, and transform any person from daily to glam in a hot second!  Sure enough, it matched my hair color and I was so happy.  I had recently cut my hair, cute style, but it is such a bummer to try and put it in a pony tail, which is my daily stay at home mom style, only to have it be like 1/2 inch long stub.

So, back to Sunday. I wore my pony to church, just as confident as could be.  Swinging my hair around like I just got off of a photo shoot.  Feeling cute, honestly it boosted my esteem the minute I clipped it in.  Just worshipping the Lord, hands raised with my pony just a swinging around like it was praising too.

Well, at the restaurant we were having a fabulous time chatting, laughing.  I love being with Ritchie and Julie and their kids.  So, after we had all ordered, buffet plates on their way, people all around dressed in their Sunday best....Mariah climbed up on my lap to snuggle.  She had her little hands wrapped around the back of my neck just like a little love bug would.  This is what I can honestly say, what I am about to tell you happened so fast, that it took a minute for it to register in my mind.

She bumped that clip in my hair, and that long and lucious ponytail flew off the back of my head and landed on the floor a few feet from my chair.  No seriously. I grabbed the back of my head and grabbed Julie's arm...."my pony, my pony!!!  get it off the floor.  oh my word, my pony!!"  By this point I am starting to sweat like we were in the Sahara desert and I am quietly yelling at Julie to get it off the floor.  She and Ritchie are bent over the table, weeping with laughter, unable to move or help.  

Had someone gotten up to head to the buffet at that moment, they would have surely screamed, MOUSE!!! if they had seen that blasted brown ponytail laying on the ground.
Oh, just the thought of it....are you tracking with me???  
So, eventually Julie in her gracious way, however slow it might have been, leaned out, snatched that thing off the ground and had the audacity to tell me to lean over so she could clip it back in.  Clip it back in????   Oh, like that wouldn't have been obvious in the middle of a busy restaurant on brunch day!! 

I am sure the waitress was wondering what happened to the glamorous girl at the end of the table, ordering confidently and chatting with abandon.  When she came back to deliver the scrambled eggs, she found a dejected, normal looking housewife, with a ponytail stub at the back of her neck, bobby pins sticking out wildly, and a large brown hairpiece hanging out of the side of her purse.

So, that's the truth of it, and I am not sure I will be able to wear that again.  But maybe I could secure it better, more pins, it is cute, it is a perfect match...well, we'll see about that.  


kris10 said...

K - All I can say is that I hope you find the courage to once again reunite with your 'CVS ponytail'. I know how much she meant to you, how much joy she brought you and how confident you looked as you strolled down the street. If I can do anything, ie. contribute a small section of my own hair to add to your collection of pony tails, please know that I am here for you. Keep your head up!
Love ya girl,
P.S. Would have paid a lot of money to have been sitting next to you at that restaurant during the 'incident'.

Tracy: said...

Why does this story not surprise me one bit!!??HAHA! I too, would have paid alot of money to have shared that experience with you ; )
So happy that we might actually keep in better touch now! Love you!

lavendergardener said...

Can I just say, I am sitting here in my office with tears streaming down my face? I can just picture the look on your face and Julie and Ritchie overcome by the giggles. I love it! I miss you girl...

lavendergardener said...

On second thought, I think your first picture should be one of you and your fake pony. I think you owe it to all of us to share the joy..

Kara said...

You are hilarious my sister! I laughed out loud. Stay away from fake pony tails!!! They are evil. :)

Love you, thanks for the laugh.

Watching in Wonder said...

I didn't want to say anything at the time ( I knew the love affair between you and your precious pony! ) IT WAS A DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN!!! Don't you KNOW by now you can't buy a miracle for $3.99 @ CVS!?! ( Guess I should return the wrinkle cream! ) HOWEVER... the memory is absolutely priceless! I should have waited till SOMEBODY screamed MOUSE!!!

Anonymous said...

This is why we don't attach things resembling dead rats to our heads... Nice one auntie K!! Love you even with your now-stumpy pony!

Aunt C said...

Don't you know that noone was really looking at the back of your head? God has blessed you with the smile of an angel and eyes to match! Your wacko sense of humor reminds me of someone else I love...hmmmm. I survive life's odd moments with the "it could have been worse" scenario...could have ended up in the syrup at the buffet! Can't wait to see you and yours in July, you and Uncle Rich can talk gardens. Love, Aunt C

Adrienne XO said...

Oh Kendra, reading your pony story makes me miss you even more! You'e a hoot, girl and I love you for it. Love your blog name, by the way. You've got some great things to say.....keep it up!

Adrienne :)

reach4thestars said...

Hahaha you make me laugh. Those types of embarassing moments keep popping up in my life--I should stop to write one down sometime ;) Thanks for the laugh!
