June 12, 2008

Watching for weeds

This spring we planted a garden.  I've always wanted to plant one, and it has been amazing to see the plants go from little green sprouts, to blooming flowers and now actual vegetables!
As I was out there hoeing the other day, I was disgusted at the amount of weeds.  Every row was covered in them.  I hadn't been out there in a week or so, and they seemed to just come out of no where.  I stood there, covered in mud, developing a blister, sweating in a way unbecoming to any woman...and this thought occurred to me.  
In my life with Christ, I try to be on purpose about what I plant in my life.  Goodness, patience, joy, kindness, selflessness, His ways over mine....just as I had carefully selected which plants would go in my garden.  And,  I have faithfully watered, fed, and tended to those plants just like I try and be purposeful about tending to the things of God in my life.  Like time in His Word, listening to His Spirit, and sharing my heart with Him.  
However, I did nothing to encourage those weeds to grow!!  Didn't plant their seeds, did not give them fertilizer, wasn't watering them on purpose...yet look how they've taken over!  They are strong little guys with deep roots. One little weed can turn into ground coverage in a hot minute.
So it is with me.  If I am not careful to quickly pull out any small weed that shows its ugly head, it will spread and eventually choke out the good things that I really desire to grow in my life.  A sharp word,  prideful spirit, discontentment, jealous heart....how quickly these can grow and choke out the Spirit and the beautiful harvest that He desires to give me. 
I am getting ready to start a summer Bible study called No other gods.  I know the Lord has much to teach me about the things that I turn to, that fill me up temporarily.  comforts, crutches i lean on, conveniences that i wouldn't want to live without.  
However, when I cling to little gods, holding tight to that which fills for a moment but then quickly runs dry,  I am not making room in my heart for the One God who can fill me so completely, so lavishly, so deeply that I will never thirst again. 
Expecting big things from the One who does abundantly more than what we could ask or imagine. 


lavendergardener said...

You are absolutely amazing! As I read you blog, I could only think, "I am so blessed to call you friend". This blog is going to bless so many people. Keep 'em comin'

Love you,

Marksgirl said...

K-I feel as though I am glimpsing the future and all the Lord has planned for you and your passion to encourage others to be diligent in their walk. Where can I buy your book? and a phony tail? :) Love you!!!