June 26, 2008

Let's give it up for the runners....

So this weekend I was blessed to be a part of my parent's "farewell" at the church they have faithfully served for over 22 years.  Indeed, it would be hard to put into words how blessed I was to see my dad preach an amazing sermon (shadowmoutain.org and go to sermon archives), sit next to my beautiful mom and watch as others poured out their love on my parents, grateful for what they had invested there.

Spiritual heritage?  amen and amen.  What more would I want for my kids than to know their Nana and Papa were being rewarded by men on this earth,  not just for being good employees to a company...but for their service to the One Who will someday reward them with the words we all long to hear, "Well done, thou give and faithful servant!"  

So, at this stage in their lives it is called retirement.  To step away from what they've known, you know, take a break, "you deserve it", after all the labor you've invested in others, it's your time now.   And, yes, I pray that in this new season in life they would indeed have a break. Moments of rest, time away, being ministered to, joy in abundance, peace that passes understanding, laughter that makes you weep....however this is what I know for sure.  My parents will never retire.  Not from their service to Christ, to one another or to the people most privileged to walk beside them in this life.

You see..their race is not finished.  Until the day Christ calls them home, they will run with abandon, with purpose, with a goal in their mind's eye....for what they do for eternity is what will last.  Imagine the blessing of having them as runners ahead of me, my siblings, and grandchildren...watching their steady race, sometimes stumbling or growing weary, but always looking ahead, never giving up.  Someday handing the torch to us, that the Word would continue to be spoken and used to minister hope to others. 

No question about it.  We've seen the sweat pouring off of them.  We've watched as they've had to rest along the path, recovering from injuries, wounds, stresses, deep heartaches.   Yes, running the race is filled with great joy...but the truth is, no one will ever cross the finish line without the wounds and injuries as reminders that the race was not easy, but ever so worth it. 

Worth it, because I see in their eyes the glimmer of the prize....I know they hear the Savior's call, sometimes a whisper, but always leading them.  Run on, faithful servant!  I am always with you, I will never leave you or forsake you.  I see the cost you have paid to carry this torch, and I am the Great  Rewarder, run on, run on!

My mom and dad's life theme has been Always Living in View of Eternity...seriously, when it's all said and done, what else could be more important than that?

And, one last thing....to my mom who has faithfully loved her Lord and Savior, encouraged, supported, loved, listened to my dad for all these years.  Poured into her family with great joy and a humble servant's heart.  You are the unsung hero.  You are a delightful example of a help meet to your husband.  For every meal you delivered to a family, every word spoken with encouragement, every note of love always signed with a verse, every smile given to ease the pain in someone's heart, your gracious listening ear, every moment of "background" service so that Alive ministries would be organized and well run, every note played on your piano as a sacrifice of  praise to your Lord, finding joy in the moment... God has seen every act of service in His name, God has collected every prayer you have laid before Him, He has called you by name and is delighted in you.  He sings over you with love.  And, I rise and call you blessed indeed.

And, to my dad.  Faithful man of God...who is purposeful in choosing to enjoy life, with laughter and joy. Who I believe has been annointed with a gift of wisdom from the Lord, and has shared that with others over the years, even when it cost him personally to do so.  A faithful husband who truly loves his wife, a dad who loves his children.   Couldn't ask for a better man in leading by example, laughter by the pound, a listening ear, wisdom from the Word, a servant's heart.   

To my precious parents, Run On!....the road ahead is sure to be one of great reward, that is just Who our God is.  And, you better buy a new pair of running shoes, I believe some of the greatest journey lies just ahead, above and beyond all that we could ask or imagine....
with great love, Kendra

June 13, 2008

light sabers and mighty warriors...

I'm sitting here at my computer listening to screams, high fives, and loads of loud fun as my son celebrates his 8th birthday today.   He got a new NBA basketball game, his favorite sport and is just feeling down right happy!  I just love Levi's laughter, willing to act silly to make others laugh.  I love his strength...enduring sleepless nights of itching some times and still hanging tight.  I am so proud to be this boy's mom. 

Tonight he is blessed to have some of  his longest known and best friends in all of the world, Luke and Gabriel by his side.  As G always reminds him...I've known you my whole life!!  
This year, God has blessed Levi with a new special buddy, Eddie, who he loves to spend time with and sometimes they remind me of 2 peas in a pod!  Surrounded with buddies, what could be better.

Needless to say, after good pizza, too much cake and ice cream, bubble gum sticks, pepsi, and one amazing burping contest, we have had fun.  I think I burped the alphabet to D and then realized that when you eat too much pizza and try to belch, it hurts. 

Have you ever noticed how they love to fight, to wrestle, lead a battle...attack each other with squirt guns, it's just their nature.   I've witnessed many a battle in my days.  Especially with those plastic light sabers that light up and make sound on contact, now that's cool wrapped up for $15!  

So, the verse that came to me was the one in Phillipians 2:14-15...the part that says "shine like the stars, as you hold out the word..."  It reminded me of the light sabers.  The greatest battlers in the kingdom of  Christ are the ones who know the Word, hold it out as a great light in the darkness and use it to do battle.

Ephesians 6 is a great chapter on spiritual warfare. It says we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, against the powers of this dark world, spiritual forces....can't fight them without the Word. You know, the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.  Like a light saber, only more powerful to do real damage when the enemy comes knocking with his lying schemes to get us down, defeated, feeling unworthy and tempted to give up.  God's word busts through the dark and sets captives free!

Yep, think I'll head out to the campfire and roast some marshmallows, or maybe just watch them melt in the fire.  I will have to unbutton my shorts if I eat any more sugar tonight.  

Plan on reminding these young army men that to be powerful for the Lord, a real man, a mighty warrior...you have to know the Word.  All other weapons mean nothing in the spiritual realm, but having this one in your arsenal can save you, save others, bless you in abundance, and do damage to the enemy's deadly schemes.  who needs a light saber? 

Added note to self:  
Try and do devotional time  earlier in the night, like before all the cake, ice cream and marshmallows. So the boys can listen, focus, get it, you know sit on the couch for longer than 12 seconds without jumping, hitting, laughing or burping!   Oh well, we learn as we go...

June 12, 2008

My fake pony...(picture shows pony not included!)

So, I felt like I had to write about what happened to me the other day in a restaurant.   No seriously, could go down as being one of my most embarassing moments. 

We went to a nice place after church, to celebrate Ellie's bday.  

Yep, so it all started a few weeks back when I found something at CVS pharmacy that was bound to change my life. A fake pony tail.  On a clip.  To be clipped on to the back of your head, and transform any person from daily to glam in a hot second!  Sure enough, it matched my hair color and I was so happy.  I had recently cut my hair, cute style, but it is such a bummer to try and put it in a pony tail, which is my daily stay at home mom style, only to have it be like 1/2 inch long stub.

So, back to Sunday. I wore my pony to church, just as confident as could be.  Swinging my hair around like I just got off of a photo shoot.  Feeling cute, honestly it boosted my esteem the minute I clipped it in.  Just worshipping the Lord, hands raised with my pony just a swinging around like it was praising too.

Well, at the restaurant we were having a fabulous time chatting, laughing.  I love being with Ritchie and Julie and their kids.  So, after we had all ordered, buffet plates on their way, people all around dressed in their Sunday best....Mariah climbed up on my lap to snuggle.  She had her little hands wrapped around the back of my neck just like a little love bug would.  This is what I can honestly say, what I am about to tell you happened so fast, that it took a minute for it to register in my mind.

She bumped that clip in my hair, and that long and lucious ponytail flew off the back of my head and landed on the floor a few feet from my chair.  No seriously. I grabbed the back of my head and grabbed Julie's arm...."my pony, my pony!!!  get it off the floor.  oh my word, my pony!!"  By this point I am starting to sweat like we were in the Sahara desert and I am quietly yelling at Julie to get it off the floor.  She and Ritchie are bent over the table, weeping with laughter, unable to move or help.  

Had someone gotten up to head to the buffet at that moment, they would have surely screamed, MOUSE!!! if they had seen that blasted brown ponytail laying on the ground.
Oh, just the thought of it....are you tracking with me???  
So, eventually Julie in her gracious way, however slow it might have been, leaned out, snatched that thing off the ground and had the audacity to tell me to lean over so she could clip it back in.  Clip it back in????   Oh, like that wouldn't have been obvious in the middle of a busy restaurant on brunch day!! 

I am sure the waitress was wondering what happened to the glamorous girl at the end of the table, ordering confidently and chatting with abandon.  When she came back to deliver the scrambled eggs, she found a dejected, normal looking housewife, with a ponytail stub at the back of her neck, bobby pins sticking out wildly, and a large brown hairpiece hanging out of the side of her purse.

So, that's the truth of it, and I am not sure I will be able to wear that again.  But maybe I could secure it better, more pins, it is cute, it is a perfect match...well, we'll see about that.  

Watching for weeds

This spring we planted a garden.  I've always wanted to plant one, and it has been amazing to see the plants go from little green sprouts, to blooming flowers and now actual vegetables!
As I was out there hoeing the other day, I was disgusted at the amount of weeds.  Every row was covered in them.  I hadn't been out there in a week or so, and they seemed to just come out of no where.  I stood there, covered in mud, developing a blister, sweating in a way unbecoming to any woman...and this thought occurred to me.  
In my life with Christ, I try to be on purpose about what I plant in my life.  Goodness, patience, joy, kindness, selflessness, His ways over mine....just as I had carefully selected which plants would go in my garden.  And,  I have faithfully watered, fed, and tended to those plants just like I try and be purposeful about tending to the things of God in my life.  Like time in His Word, listening to His Spirit, and sharing my heart with Him.  
However, I did nothing to encourage those weeds to grow!!  Didn't plant their seeds, did not give them fertilizer, wasn't watering them on purpose...yet look how they've taken over!  They are strong little guys with deep roots. One little weed can turn into ground coverage in a hot minute.
So it is with me.  If I am not careful to quickly pull out any small weed that shows its ugly head, it will spread and eventually choke out the good things that I really desire to grow in my life.  A sharp word,  prideful spirit, discontentment, jealous heart....how quickly these can grow and choke out the Spirit and the beautiful harvest that He desires to give me. 
I am getting ready to start a summer Bible study called No other gods.  I know the Lord has much to teach me about the things that I turn to, that fill me up temporarily.  comforts, crutches i lean on, conveniences that i wouldn't want to live without.  
However, when I cling to little gods, holding tight to that which fills for a moment but then quickly runs dry,  I am not making room in my heart for the One God who can fill me so completely, so lavishly, so deeply that I will never thirst again. 
Expecting big things from the One who does abundantly more than what we could ask or imagine.