September 15, 2008

Because she's almost double-digits, y'all!

I know, I know...if I write all this now, what will I save for her actual birthday coming up in less than 2 months??  It's just that she is not going to be 9 for much longer.  And, as I heard at a conference recently, sometimes you want to celebrate the "lasts" of something, instead of always the beginnings. 

Like, when will the last time be that I can  really pick her up under her armpits like I love to do and have her wrap her legs around me?  So far I have promised all my kids that I will always do that, but the truth is she will continue to grow and someday I will weaken.  Plus, I picture running to my own mom now,  having her swing me up, wrapping my legs around her waist....awkward at best, minor injuries at worse! 

*Her love for Christ.  Wanting to get to know Him better, meeting me on the porch early in the morning to be with me and Him.
*Her ability to swim...incredible stroke and form.  A someday Olympian I think if she wanted to become one!
*Her sensitive and discerning heart....wanting to please and choose the right path.  Aware when someone else is hurting.
*Her imagination...creating plays, writing songs, acting make believe...i just love it.  Lemonade stands, sewing classes, Christmas plays in abundance.
*Her love for singing...from the heart, just for fun, sounding so sweet!  Her church choir is so lucky to have her!
*Her desire to be with me.  Always asking to be together, play a game, chat....and I am so thankful that she loves me so very much.
*A true servant's heart....bringing her dad water when he mows, or scratching her brother's head at night.  May she always remember that we are happiest when we are doing something for others. It's true, God said it first.
So, these are just a few things that bless my buns when it comes to my 9 year old daughter. 
God has such incredible plans for her sweet little life and I am so humbled and thankful that He picked me to be her mom.  
Now we need to get planning that party...

September 10, 2008

When I say she's my's not because she's my only one.....

So, the day has come to wish my very favorite sister in all of the world a Happy Birthday. 
No, seriously she has been my favorite for as long as I can remember.  I was 9 years old, and the luckiest girl around when I got my very own "baby" doll to play with!  And, my life has been richer ever since that day in 1979, September 10th to be exact......

I love my sister's heart.....for others especially.  She has a deep compassion to want to help those in need, that I think is deeper than she sometimes even knows.  I believe there will come a day when she will find so many in need, so many who need to hear her words of encouragement that she herself will be amazed.  For now it is in the daily that she does it so beautifully. 

I love my sister's hair...I know I know, after the last "deep" one, how could I be so trivial??  Well, if you could see her hair, even just touch it for one moment you would understand.  It is truly the thickest, perfectly waved/yet not curly, lusciously long hair that you could imagine, that I have seen!!  There are those, whom shall remain nameless, that "long" (get it?)  for such hair, so much so that they would pay to have strands attached for a moment...just to have it flow down their backs like hers does.   She could cut and sell her strands to those considered "thinning" or "less than".  There are days that she might call a "bad" hair day and it's all I can do to look away, knowing that her bad is my dream. So, whatever, felt like I just had to mention it, even though trivial, it's true!! 

I love my sister's strength and willingness to fight.  To persist until she finds the answers that she is looking for.  To use her knowledge to help herself, and to help others. She has endured painful moments in her life, and yet she stands.  Hopeful that someday there will be light in some dark tunnels, choosing to keep on walking until she sees it.  I am proud to call her sister.

She knows I love her laugh, it twinkles like the stars in the sky.  It is a music to my ears that always makes me laugh just hearing it.  She said I said the same about my brother's giggle...but really it doesn't take away from what hers does for others.  It is the icing on the cake....a funny joke, but then her laugh at the end!  Can't describe it in a melody all of its own.

I am amazed at my sister's gifting to write.  I say gifting because I believe there are those who can write when they've taken a class and those who write from down deep in the soul. She is a soul writer.  No, really, you will read her book one day and be blessed.  She has a way of taking stories, weaving them into unforgettable words, and leaving you touched by them.  Gifted indeed.

I love my sister because she is my gift from God.  Hand picked by my heavenly Father...for me.  I wouldn't trade her for anyone else in the world.  I have a life time of memories with her....some laughing until we cried, and some just crying together.  Woven tightly in my heart and cherished sweetly.

I love you Kara best sister and precious friend.  Happy Day!!

September 1, 2008

To my brother, Mark-us! with love....

My brother is 40. Need I say more??  Well, you know me, and I am not a woman of few words, so I will say more...

I love him.  I love his willingness to always lend a helping hand. 
I love his giggle (or for his benefit I will call it a "manly laugh")... which he doesn't like, but it rocks and makes me laugh when I hear it. 
I love that he has his dogs trained to do all kinds of cool tricks. 
I love that he loves his wife and kids so much. I love that when he married his wife, Kristy, he gave me a sister in law who was already my trusted friend!  and, I love that when he had kids, he blessed my kids with cousins....but mostly, sweet friends!
I love that he is a hard worker and  I love that he is a respected and intelligent man in his work place. 
I love that he has a fetish with cars and watches. like a used car salesman, always on time!
I love that if I need to buy something new, I either buy what he already owns, or ask for his opinion because he has good advice and knows a lot.
I love that He loves God and knows where his strength comes from.  
I love him because he is my brother and my friend. 

Happy Birthday, Mark!